Alginate Impression Material
midwesteyelabs2018-02-12T21:29:41-06:00Over the years, many of our patients have inquired about our impression process and what exactly we use for this step. A lot of people have apprehension about this step [...]
The Time Between Removal of Your Eye and Your Prosthesis Fitting
midwesteyelabs2018-02-28T17:59:18-06:00One of the most dreaded times in dealing with Enucleation or Evisceration is the time between having the surgery and receiving your prosthesis. A lot of factors go in to [...]
3D Printing
midwesteyelabs2018-02-28T17:59:05-06:00Could 3D printing be the future of your ocular prosthesis? Since its introduction in the 1980’s, 3 dimensional printing has grown exponentially. From starting out printing such things as shoes, [...]
Medical Binders
midwesteyelabs2018-02-28T17:58:43-06:00Are you flustered by all the important medical appointments and information to keep track of? We were very impressed this week with the mother of one of our congenital Microphthalmia [...]