One of the most dreaded times in dealing with Enucleation or Evisceration is the time between having the surgery and receiving your prosthesis. A lot of factors go in to determining how long this will be, but the average is 4-8 weeks. A conformer is usually placed after surgery as a temporary spacer. These can be clear or white, or in some cases colored in basic iris colors.

The old standard was to wear a black patch. This is not a bad option, but it can be surprisingly hard to find a good quality comfortable patch. However with a quick internet search you may find some custom made patches that do a very nice job.

Another option is an adhesive patch. These tend to be flesh colored and do not draw much attention, but the adhesive can be irritating to the skin. We do suggest the junior size in most cases, they usually provide plenty of coverage.

One of the best solutions we have seen over the years is also probably the cheapest and easiest option. It will only work if you wear eye glasses, however this is strongly recommended for protection even if no prescription is needed. All it involves is using a semi transparent scotch tape on the lens of the eye glasses. It is possible to have the lens frosted professionally, but the tape is a cheap simple option that can be removed once you have your artificial eye.

If your Physician does not require you to wear a patch, this really is a great option and draws very minimal attention.

Disclaimer: The statements contained herein are for informational purposes only, and are not meant to replace the services or recommendations of a physician or qualified health care practitioner.